What library managers know about marketing: a study of Brazilian geoscience and mineral technology libraries

What library managers know about marketing: a study of Brazilian geoscience and mineral technology libraries

Tipo: Artigo de Periódico

Autora: Sueli Angélica do Amaral

Fonte: Information Development, vol. 8 no. 2, April 1992

Resumo: The adoption of marketing techniques in libraries represents an effort aimed at innovation, modifying traditional activities, developing strategies for change and preparing these organizations for future trends. lt implies offering products and services in their most appropriate and acceptable forms,
satisfying the information needs of previously identified users. Thus, the administration of
marketing-oriented libraries is a means of guaranteeing user satisfaction that ultimately will
contribute to the development of the information sector as a whole.

Palavras-chave: Geologia, Minerologia, Extração, periódico

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