Marketing Adoption in Brazilian Geoscience And Mineral Technology Libraries: a Study of Library Managers’ Opinions

Marketing Adoption in Brazilian Geoscience And Mineral Technology Libraries: a Study of Library Managers' Opinions

Tipo: Artigo de Periódico

Autora: Sueli Angélica do Amaral

Fonte: Infomediary 5 (1991) 95-103 IOS Press

Resumo: This paper emphasizes the importance of a marketing-oriented administration of librarics as a means of achieving effective performance regarding library users. Comments are made on lhe results of surveys undertaken in the sector of information in Geoscience and Mineral Technology that demonstrated user dissatisfaction with the performance of sectoral libraries. It is also concluded that the adoption of library lechniques in these libraries is practically non-existent and some suggestions regarding the establishment and dissemination of marketing practices in these institutions are presented.

Palavras-chave: Geologia, Minerologia, Extração, periódico

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